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Our cancellation policy for mat classes and face yoga is 8 hours before class. This means if you cancel in between 8-0 hours before the class starts it’s called a Late Cancet. If you don’t cancel at all, you are absent.

For Reformer Pilates and Indoor Cycling the cancellation is 12 hours. This means if you cancel in between 12-0 hours before the class starts it’s called a Late Cancel. If you don’t cancel at all, you are absent.

Late Cancel

Please consider our cancellation policy: If you forget to cancel or if the cancellation window is already closed at the time of your cancellation, this is regarded as a Late Cancel.

If you have a class pack, this class will be charged from that class pack. If you have an unlimited subscription, a €5 Late Cancel Fee will be charged. Because we work with a maximum number of mats for each class and we otherwise hold a spot for you.

Absent Fee

Please consider our cancellation policy: If you forget to cancel or if the cancellation window is already closed at the time of your cancellation, this is regarded as a Late Cancel.

If you have a class pack, this class will be charged from that class pack. If you have an unlimited subscription, a €10 Absent Cancel Fee will be charged. Because we work with a maximum number of mats for each class and we otherwise hold a spot for you.

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